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Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.- Bruce Lee
This Github Repo contains the code for the 100 days of code challenge that I did by following the course by London App Brewery🍺 on Udemy
As of writing this Readme I’m on Day-18 and I’m not able to quite stick to the “100 Days pledge” as I’m in my final year in the completion of my degree and I’m undergoing placement training as well as attending interviews🥵…
Anyways so this is a not so “100” of code challenge but hey I’m here for the journey anyways🧗.
This Readme will serve as a Progress Tracker 🛤️ as well as a Journal📗 in my Journey.
I also regularly post my progress over on Twitter so check that out to👍
Also providing the link to my notes over on: Notion
Day-18: 15th August, 2022
✅Using Turtle
✅Change Shape, Color, Move, Direction
✅Draw Square
✅Draw Dashed Line
✅Random Walk
✅Hirst Painting Project:
Link for the original Painting done by Damien Hirst: https://www.artsy.net/artwork/damien-hirst-ellipticine-32
Anyone willing to buy mine as an NFT?…
Day-19-25th August,2022
✅More Turtle Graphics
✅Event Listeners
✅Functions as inputs
✅Etch a Sketch App
✅Understanding the Turtle Coordinate System
✅Turtle Race Game
Day-20-31st August,2022
Snake Game Part-I:
✅Create Snake body
✅Move the Snake
✅Control the Snake using Keyboard Controls
Day-21-4th September,2022
Snake Game Part-II 🐍:
Things learnt📗:
✅Slicing lists and dictionaries
Done list⛏️:
✅Detecting collision with food
✅Creating a scoreboard
✅Detect collision with wall
✅Detect collision with tail
Day-22-10th August,2022
Pong Game 🏓
Done list ⛏️:
✅Create the Screen
✅Create and move a paddle
✅Create another paddle
✅Create the ball and make it move
✅Detect the collision with wall and bounce
✅Detect collision with paddle
✅Detect when paddle misses
✅Keep score using scoreboard</p>
Day-23-16th August,2022
Turtle Crossing Game 🐢🛣️🚗:
Difficulty level chosen: Hard🔥
✅List and Dictionary Comprehension
✅Iterate over items in a DataFrame using iterrows()
Done list ⛏️:
⛏️ Practiced exercises for List and Dictionary Comprehension
⛏️ Developed a command-line app which returns the NATO Phonetic Alphabet code for the given word
Day-27-1st Oct, 2022
Things learnt📝:
✅GUI with Tkinter
✅Function arguments- *args and **kwargs
✅Tkinter Widgets
✅Tkinter Layout Managers
Done list ⛏️:
⛏️Practiced working with *args and **kwargs, Tkinter Widgets and Tkinter Layout Managers
⛏️Developed a miles to km converter using Tkinter
Things learnt📝:
✅Using PhotoImage to get and store images using Tkinter
✅GUI using Tkinter
✅Dynamic Timing
Done list ⛏️:
⛏️ Pomodoro Timer that helps you with your productivity👨💻🍅✅
Day-29-6th Oct, 2022
Things learnt📝:
✅Learnt more GUI elements in Tkinter
Done list ⛏️:
⛏️ Enhanced the Day-5 Project-Password Generator using GUI with Tkinter
Things learnt📝:
✅Errors and Exception Handling
✅Working with JSON Data
Done list ⛏️:
⛏️Enhanced Password Manager to handle exceptions
⛏️Added a search functionality to the program
⛏️ Program now stores data in JSON format
Day-31-16th Oct, 2022
Things learnt📝:
✅Exception Handing
✅Working with Canvas elements in Tkinter
Done list ⛏️:
⛏️Capstone Project: Flashy-Flash card App to learn French🥐
Day-32-22nd Oct, 2022
Things learnt📝:
✅ Sending mails using SMTP
✅Getting the current date and time using datetime module
Done list ⛏️:
⛏️Automated Monday Motivational Quote Mail Sender
⛏️Automated Birthday Wisher
Code hosted on PythonAnywhere
Day-33-3rd Nov 2022
Things learnt📝:
✅API requests and how to process them
Done list ⛏️:
⛏️Built an app which sends an email to look up if the ISS is above my current location using ISS’ API and also an API that tracks sunrise and sunsets
</body> </p>Day-34-7th Nov 2022
Things learnt📝:
✅Tkinter GUI elements
✅Working with API calls
Done list ⛏️:
⛏️Updated Quizzler App built on Day-17 with GUI and API calls
Day-35-15th Nov 2022
Things learnt📝:
✅API Environment Variables
✅Environment Variables and hiding API keys
Done list ⛏️:
⛏️Created an app using OpenWeatherAPI to send rain alerts via email
Day-36-16th Nov 2022
Things learnt📝:
✅Using List Comprehension to get required values from API Requests
✅Using Twilio to send messages
Done list ⛏️:
⛏️Created an App using Alpha Vantage’s API, News API, and Twilio API to send Stock Price Alerts using SMS messages📈
Day-37-17th Nov 2022:
Things learnt📝:
✅Advanced Authentication and POST/PUT/DELETE Requests
✅Using Headers instead of API keys
Done list ⛏️:
⛏️Created an App using Pixela’s API that lets you track your Cycling habit in a Github style graph🚴
Day-38-18th Nov 2022
Things learnt📝:
✅Working with Nutritionix API and Sheety API
Done list ⛏️:
⛏️Created a Workout Tracking command line app which uses Natural Language Processing with Nutritionix API and updates Workout data in Google Sheets using Sheety API 🏋️
Day-41-21st Nov 2022
Things learnt📝:
✅Basic HTML
Done list ⛏️:
⛏️Created personal website with basic HTML
Day-42-22nd Nov 2022
Things learnt📝:
✅Intermediate HTML
Done list ⛏️:
⛏️Updated personal website with Intermediate HTML
Day-43-27th Nov 2022
Things learnt📝:
✅Introduction to CSS
✅Inline CSS
✅Internal CSS
✅External CSS
✅CSS Syntax
✅ID Selectors
Done list ⛏️:
⛏️Updated personal website with Basic CSS
⛏️Played around with different CSS elements
Day-47-7th Dec 2022:
Things learnt📝:
✅ lxml parser
Done list ⛏️:
⛏️ Amazon Price Alert Bot-Created a bot that emails you when a product is less than a base price
Day-48-9th Dec 2022:
Things learnt📝:
✅ Working with Selenium Driver
✅ Interacting with elements on a Web page using Selenium
Done list ⛏️:
⛏️ Created a Bot which automatically plays the Cookie Game on Cookie Clicker
Day-49-10th Dec 2022:
Things learnt📝:
✅ Working with Selenium Driver
✅ Hiding API keys with .gitignore
✅ Interacting with elements on a Web page using Selenium
Done list ⛏️:
⛏️Created a bot that applies to Jobs on LinkedIn Automatically
Day-50-11th Dec 2022-Tinder Chad Bot🤖🗿:
Things learnt📝:
✅ Working with Selenium Driver
✅ Hiding API keys with .gitignore
✅ Interacting with elements on a Web page using Selenium
✅Working with Action Chains
Done list ⛏️:
⛏️Created a bot that left-swipes people on Tinder automatically🤖🗿
Day-55-18th Dec 2022-HTML & URL Parsing in Flask and the Higher Lower Game:
Things learnt📝:
✅Working with Flask URL Paths and the Flask Debugger
✅Rendering HTML elements using Flask
✅Advanced Python Decorators
Done list ⛏️:
⛏️ Created a Higher or Lower Game using URLs with Flask
Day-56-20th Dec 2022-Rendering HTML/Static files using Website Templates:
Things learnt📝:
✅Rendering Websites using HTML
✅Serving Static Files using Flask
✅Name Card Website
Done list ⛏️:
⛏️ Created a Name Card Website using Templates and Flask
Day-57-26th Dec 2022-Templating with Jinga in Flask Applications
Things learnt📝:
✅Using Jinga to render Python Code in Websites
Day-58-29th Dec 2022-Web Foundation BootStrap
Things learnt📝:
✅Using BootStrap
✅Web Design
Done list ⛏️:
⛏️ Created the Front-end part for a Tinder for Dogs Website🐶